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Feta Candles & Massage|16250 Galveston Rd, B4, Webster, TX 77598|281-707-8651
Personalized Massages And Handmade Candles Near You!
Looking for a massage therapist in Webster, TX, who truly cares about your well-being? Look no further than Feta Candles & Massage. We are passionate about our work and our clients, always listening to their needs and providing personalized services. Our goal is to create a comfortable and relaxing wellness environment where we can vibe with our clients and help them achieve ultimate wellness and rehabilitation. Along with our expertise in massage therapy, we also offer a range of incredible smelling handmade candles, oils, wax melts, and even dessert candles to enhance your sensory experience. Experience the difference that our personable approach can make. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!
What We Offer
Medical Massage Therapy
Post-Op Care (Cosmetic Surgery)
Personalized Services
Comfortable Environment
Therapeutic Candles & Oils
Wax Melts
Dessert Candles
Massage Memberships
We accept HSA/FSA/ Tri-West /Cigna/*Out of Network Insurance Plans
Spotlight Products
Spray multiusos de 2 oz / 4 oz / 8 oz
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